Town development in the green belts of metropolitan areas

Ph.D.-project / Lu Sun

The Ph.D. project seeks to study how different development strategies work on the transformation in the greenbelt areas, based on review of how greenbelts were formed and developed in case study areas. Results are anticipated to propose evaluation criteria with analysis of selected indicators, as well as recommendation for the development in greenbelt areas.

This project is designed as comparative study on development strategies in greenbelt areas both in China and other countries. Beijing will be the main case in China. Copenhagen, London and other European cities are potential comparative cases.

The comparative study on development strategies aims at answering the following questions:

  1. How was the first greenbelt of Beijing founded and developed? How about the current condition in this area? - planning approach and policies, the implementation process, relevant actors and stakeholders.
  2. How is it going in the area of the second greenbelt of Beijing?  What is the impact of the greenbelt policy on towns in that area? – comparing different towns in and out of the greenbelt area.
  3. What are the similarities and differences between different greenbelts in China and in other countries? What could they learn from each other? – comparing practices in China and other countries.

Project period: September 2014 - September 2017
Researcher: Lu Sun, Ph.D.-student
Supervisors: Gertrud Jørgensen and Christian Fertner
Research institution: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen

For further information, please contact: Lu Sun,