19. december 2018

Nordic perspectives on temporary urbanism

Fredag 11. januar 2019, København

Temporary urbanism is a rapidly growing phenomenon in urban landscapes of the Western world. There has been a growing interest in understanding the socio-economic processes of temporary urbanism and in how micro-spatial temporary urban practices are contributing towards urban regeneration, economic attraction, and the reshaping of urban places and urban life. In this seminar, it will be discussed how the increasing focus on temporary urban activities – both strategic and unplanned – create new urban processes and influence urban life in Nordic cities.

9.30-9.45: ’Welcome and introduction to the theme of the day’
v. Anne Gravsholt Busck & Christine Benna Skytt-Larsen, IGN, UCPH

9.45-10.20: ’Temporary urban activities and the right to the city: temporary urbanism in Sweden’
v. Anders Lund Hansen, Lund University

10.20-10.55: ‘Temporary urbanism and social sustainability: Oslo as a case’
v. Per Gunnar Røe, University of Oslo

10.55-11.10: Coffee Break

11.10 -11.45: ’DIY-urbanism and urban activists: temporary urban activities in Denmark’,
v. Louise Fabian, Aarhus University

11.45 -12.20: ’Temporary urban activities and urban culture: strategic urbanism in Finland’,
v. Rami Ratvio, University of Helsinki

12.20-12.30: ‘Outro’
v. Anne Gravsholt Busck & Christine Benna Skytt-Larsen, IGN, UCPH

Alle er velkomne.
Det er gratis at deltage. Tilmelding til Christine Benna Skytt-Larsen, mail: cbs@ign.ku.dk 

Tid: Fredag 11. januar 2019 kl. 9.30-12.30
: Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K, Aud. C

For yderligere information: Christine Benna Skytt-Larsen, mail: cbs@ign.ku.dk eller Anne Gravsholt Busck, mail: agb@ign.ku.dk

Seminaret er støttet af Center for Strategisk Byforskning