29. november 2016

Seminar: A City of Comings and Goings

14. december 2016, Aarhus

Discuss and explore
The seminar A City of Comings and Goings aims to discuss and explore the dynamic
character of living in the contemporary city and the many ways in which
migration influences our living environment. A diverse company of experts will
talk on the phenomena of rural-urban migration, AirBnB, nomadic urbanism and
the architecture of asylum seekers centres.

Cities have always been shaped by migration
Our Western European cities have always been shaped by migration, bringing in groups of people fleeing for natural disasters or war, or looking for fortune and a better life. Newcomers brought in different cultures and enriched urban life, but also migration has caused political and social controversies and tested the boundaries of what urban communities can adapt to.

A problem we need to solve
Most recently, the refugee crisis has drawn attention to the fact that our cities could be better adapted to ongoing migratory movements. It would be too easy to brush off this crisis as a temporary emergency situation with its own unique set of problems. That we find it difficult to provide adequate shelter for those that seek refuge, is a symptom of a wider problem concerning the flexibility and absorption capacity of our cities. This is a problem we need to solve.

Increasing dynamics of living in the city
Migration has become a fact of life and will only increase in decades to come. It is a broad phenomenon that concerns not only those fleeing war or poverty but also well-paid expats, migrant workers, tourists, nomadic students and people who move from the countryside to the city. The increasing dynamics of living in the city and the many ways of temporary living should be explored, understood and anticipated on. 

Research the influence of migration
This is the start of a project in which the Aarhus School of Architecture and Crimson Architectural Historians will research the influence of migration on the present day Danish city.

Time: 14. December 2016
: Aarhus School of Architecture, Nørreport 20, 8000 Aarhus C, LADEN NORD

13.00 Tom Nielsen: Welcome & introduction
13.15 Michelle Provoost: City of comings and goings
13.45 Deane Simpson – Old people and urban migration in Denmark
14.10 Break
14.20 Jonas May - Architecture of asylum seekers centres
14.45 Ida Bigum Nielsen - Airbnb in Copenhagen
15.10 Break
15.30 David Pinder - Mobile and nomadic urbanism
15.55 Zuha Alasadi – Aarhus City of Comings and Goings / Gellerup
16.20 Discussion
17.00 End

Registration: The seminar is public and free.
It would be very nice with an email to Tom Nielsen tn@aarch.dk if you plan to participate. We want to be sure to have enough coffee for the breaks!

For more information contact Tom Nielsen tn@aarch.dk