Biocities of the future

An industrial Ph.D.-project by Lotte Nystrup Lund

In the research project, Lotte Nystrup Lund study how nature-inspired and nature-based ideas integrate in urban development of today. Lotte identify and explain some of the main drivers, paradoxes, consequences, and challenges, related to these integrations. The project focus is urban development inspired by nature’s ability to regenerate, through e.g., biomimicry, ecosystem and biophilic design thinking. A part of the project is to study where some of the key ideas of today’s urban sustainability thinking come from – tracking selected ideas back to the 18th century.

How has presents ideas evolved over time?
The project’s underlying thesis is that current development potentials within the field of sustainable urban design can be identified by uncovering how presents ideas has evolved over time, and how selected ideas are unfolded (or are not unfolded) in today’s scientific theory, urban strategy, and practice. The ambition is to develop theory and initiatives that can help urban stakeholders better understand and integrate regenerative nature-based ideas and design strategies in urban strategy and development. The project includes prototyping a dialogue tool and testing if it could supplement the international certification tool DGNB Urban Districts, which is also used in Denmark. The project’s methods are based on action research and design theory. Data collection includes a case study of urban strategy and urban planning/design/building practice in Copenhagen.

Lotte Nystrup Lund
Lotte Nystrup Lund is an Industrial Ph.D. at the Institute of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape at Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation. The PhD is conducted in collaboration with the development company City & Port (By og Havn). Lotte is part of the Circular Built Environment Science Team in Bloxhub, consisting of 15 industrial Ph.D.’s and postdocs all working with sustainability within the build environment. Her research is co-funded by Realdania and the Innovation Fund Denmark. Lottes educational background is History of Ideas and Socio-Cultural Analysis. She has been working with strategic design and large-scale transformations within the field of social and environmental sustainability for more than a decade, and is founder and owner of
General interests: Urban strategy, Urban design, Regenerative design thinking, Nature, Sustainability, Biodiversity, History of Ideas

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