Contact to Centre for Strategic Urban Research can be directed to the secretary:
Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, IGN, University of Copenhagen | |
Kamilla Stener Møller Tlf. +45 3533 1630 |
Furthermore, you are welcome to contact the head of the centre:
Professor Gertrud Jørgensen (
Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, IGN, University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Høgni Kalsø Hansen (
Section for Geography, IGN, University of Copenhagen
Professor Tom Nielsen (
Research Lab 1: Territories, Architecture and Transformation, Aarhus School of Architecture
Professor Ole B. Jensen (
Department of Architecture, Design & Media Technology, Aalborg University
Professor Deane Alan Simpson (
Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, The Royal Danish Academy
Associate Professor Katrine Hartmann-Petersen (
Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University
Tina Saaby (
The Danish Town Planning Institute